I was a rebellious teenager for about a month, I didn’t work and party hard through my twenties and my thirties were not about fine dining and expensive wines. It has only been in my forties that I have really … Continue reading
I was a rebellious teenager for about a month, I didn’t work and party hard through my twenties and my thirties were not about fine dining and expensive wines. It has only been in my forties that I have really … Continue reading
A quick spin around the time trial course in the rain and then we traveled to Paris ready to ride in tomorrow. The time has flown by and it’s hard to believe that it has also been a year since … Continue reading
Another big day in the mountains. Rain and mist made for an interesting final climb. Nothing could dampen our spirits knowing that after we completed today there is a short time trial tomorrow and a ride around Paris on Sunday … Continue reading
Afiter 9 days of hard riding, 170 km of relatively flat countryside becomes a bit of a recovery ride. I spoke to Gary one of the physio’s today. If the mechanics fix the bikes, it’s the physio’s that fix the … Continue reading
Noun. dilemma. circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives. I have spent the rest day in Carcassonne. A sleep in, a massage and a bit of bike faff was followed by a nice long lunch and a walk … Continue reading
Six days of riding completed. Today was another spectacular day through some wonderful scenery in the heat. A climb towards the end to keep us on our toes and a World Cup win for France made for an interesting ride … Continue reading
In the tour guide today’s stage is described as “hilly”. May be a bit of an understatement, scenery was stunning and another testing stage is in the bag. Lots of tired riders who are kept on the road by the … Continue reading
There were times in the last 3 days when I wondered what I was doing. All of that gets forgotten about when you have days like today. A flat stage through beautiful scenery and a great meal al fresco to … Continue reading
Day 2. I don’t remember last year being this challenging. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s the long taper before I arrived in France. It’s been tough, enjoyable and a huge sense of achievement already with another 10 stages to … Continue reading
Stage 10 and my first day of this years tour . Straight into the mountains and hard work. It doesn’t matter how many KM you have ridden or how many mountains you have climbed, you still have to get up … Continue reading
There appears to be an increasing competition for charitable donations. Maybe social media and today’s connected world gives me more visibility of the good things people are doing, but this wouldn’t explain why the streets of Sydney seem to be filled … Continue reading
My trip to France is now only a month away and I have been thinking about how to record it. Keeping a blog last year took a lot of discipline but it was well worth it. It is great to … Continue reading
“The trouble with cycling is that it takes up so much time”. ”I know”, I replied, “isn’t that great”. My bike is my circuit breaker it allows me to get away from whatever is going on in my life. Sitting on … Continue reading
A client of mine made the wonderful observation that most people seemed to get paid to come to work and talk nonsense all day. He included himself in this observation and I will readily admit that I often pause during … Continue reading
I am back in training for my return trip to France in July. Having completed the whole tour last year I have some idea of what I have let myself in for. The reality is that to ride consecutive days, … Continue reading
I found myself stood in front of the breakfast buffet and didn’t know what to do. Last time I was in this position in a European hotel it was simple, eat, eat and eat. This time I am in Italy, not … Continue reading
There is no bag to pack, no breakfast buffet to consume and no day bags to arrange for the stage ahead. It’s 5am on Sunday morning and I am standing in our kitchen trying to make sense of where I am … Continue reading
The rhythm of tour life provides you with a very warm security blanket. I haven’t had to think for myself for three weeks. Just follow the instructions, make sure you know when mealtimes are and be ready to ride at … Continue reading
Stage 19 was the longest stage of the tour, we rode 236km, and I say we because Robyn’s bike was fixed overnight and she was rearing to go. We rode from Emburn to Salon-de-Provence, from the Alps down to … Continue reading
Today I climbed the last big mountain of the the tour, the Col d’Isoard, topping out at 2,360 meters. I did it without Robyn, so as enjoyable as it was to get up there, it was actually very unfulfilling. After … Continue reading
Robyn declared that today was her toughest day on her bike ever! Big call given some of the one day rides she has done but she puts it down to sheer mental fatigue as much as anything. I did ask … Continue reading
Having the family in town for the rest day certainly burst the tour bubble. Riding long distances day after day with a group becomes a very insular affair. With the benefit of modern technology the outside world is not completely … Continue reading
The joy of a rest day means we can catch up on everything. Despite the opportunity to have a lie in, we were awake early so we have managed to cobble a vlog together, then it’s a massage, laundry and … Continue reading
Every morning there is a wonderfull ritual that takes place on tour. Wherever we start from, the bikes are set out for us. You have to wander around and find your bike and get ready to ride it. When the … Continue reading
Today we rode what will be the shortest stage in tour history. A mere 104 km but we still climed 2,200 meters over 3 category 1 climbs. To put today into perspective a ride like this was a big weekend … Continue reading
Robyn’s first tour experience was a 218 km ride, climbing 4,464 meters. If you have ever been skiing think about the car or bus trip up to the resort, today we climbed a couple of them and a few other … Continue reading
My tour changed today. Robyn has arrived to ride the final 10 stages. I spent all of today’s 200km ride looking forward to seeing her. After spending so much time training together to spend the last few weeks apart has … Continue reading
I still maintain this is a holiday, it is also part endurance challenge and a lesson in time management. We spend all our days riding, it’s what goes on when we are not sat in the saddle that keeps us … Continue reading
There was a lot of chatter about Stage 9 right from the start of the tour. On paper it looks like the toughest stage of the tour this year. Lots of climbing and roads hitting 22% gradient. We had a … Continue reading
Most of us on tour have not ridden this far in a week. We have been on tour for 8 days and covered 1,450km. Stage 7 was another tough day. We rode most of the day into a headwind with … Continue reading
One of the cycling skills that you need to learn to be efficient is drafting. This is when you sit behind another rider in a line, taking turns to take the wind before swapping off to let somebody else share … Continue reading
At our first feedstop today the chatter and general demeanour was likened to being outside the exam hall. Lots of nervous people, waiting with anticipation for our first real climb of the tour. Had we done enough training, how would we … Continue reading
Tonight we are staying just outside Vittel. Famous for the water that is supplied around the world. I know this because people have told me. Normally I like to plan, to understand what is ahead of me and to control … Continue reading
They say an “army marches on its stomach”, well a peloton rides on calories and as many as you can stuff in and as frequently as possible. After breakfast there are four food stops positioned throughout the day, with a … Continue reading
Today was the first real day of the tour. Yesterday we had a ceremonial ride in the traffic around Düsseldorf to kick us off. It took us an hour to get around the time trial course which will take the … Continue reading
I have ridden 63,915KM since I first got on a pushbike 6 years ago. If I was a car you might start to think about trading me in for something with fewer KM’s. It doesn’t matter where I have ridden … Continue reading
It seems that I am getting older! I have a birthday on the horizon, I left school 30 years ago, I have lived in Australia for 20 years and Robyn and I have just celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary. Having … Continue reading
It’s not all Lycra, training plans and travel schedules in the Reeve household. Yesterday we had a family trip out. Last year I had purchased tickets to go and see a popular pop duo called, Twenty One Pilots. Never heard of … Continue reading
Cycling, as with any hobby, can be seen as a series of firsts. Your first pair of Lycra shorts, the first time you ride with cleats, and your first ride that takes you further than you’d ever imagined. Each of these experiences … Continue reading
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein. I have a list of things that we need to do before we get to France. Last week I booked our flights from … Continue reading
It doesn’t matter how much money we spend on fancy bikes and fashionable kit, we have to acknowledge that we are just a couple of middle aged folk indulging ourselves. We can try and look the part all we like, … Continue reading
I am not sure if it is a facet of old age, but I do like a bit of routine, I am a creature of habit. I take great comfort in familiarity. “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” is … Continue reading
With a population of 280 calling Unagrie a town is a little bit ambitious. This is where Robyn grew up, on a farm in rural NSW. Her mum and dad still live on the same property and we make sure we … Continue reading
We are teaching our eldest to drive. I say we but the reality is that Robyn has taken on the task. It has been agreed by all parties that my involvement would not be a good thing. You can start … Continue reading
If you want to be a Little Star this Christmas then why not make a donation to support a great cause and to give us added motivation as we cycle around the Tour De France route next year. For behaving like a star we want to … Continue reading
“Cool?”, I asked my teenagers. “Not cool!”, they replied in unison. “But we will look like we are from a proper team, we could get matching kit.” “So not cool”, came the reply. We had not set out to get … Continue reading
The route for next years Tour De France has been out for a few weeks now. Interesting for those that follow this sort of thing, compelling if you are planning to ride the entire route next year. It didn’t really matter … Continue reading
Lake Taupo in New Zealand is about as far away from Bracknell in the UK as you can get. It has been an interesting journey for the 5 of us who have been catching up. Richard, Bobo and I all went … Continue reading
When we signed up to ride the Tour we decided to tick a few other things off the bucket list. Robyn has always been very creative and as we talked about different fund raising ideas she came up with a beauty. As her … Continue reading
One of the side effects of growing up is that you somehow become responsible. When I was growing up we used to have things called sweet shops, this will give you a clue to the generation I belong to. It was … Continue reading
There is no better way of experiencing what a country has to offer than by going for a bike ride. You get to see first hand the countryside, the architecture and, if you have enrolled in one of their most … Continue reading
Over the last year I have written a lot about riding with my wife. I thought I’d get Robyn to share her perspective with you. My mother tells people that I ride my bike because otherwise I wouldn’t get to see my … Continue reading